Chloe Blanc - Organization and governance

Organization & governance

Planning the right resources and designing the right organization is key to achieve the business transformation plan and goals. In always transforming ecosystems, I support leadership teams to evolve the organization, hire the right talents and develop relevant skills in a step-by-step approach. We optimize productivity by refining governance models and developping new processes and ways of working that can evolve with the orgnization needs.

Expertise to design optimized organization & governance


  • Analyze current skills, organization, resources and governance processes
  • Identify strenghts, opportunities and gaps to achieve business plan and goals
  • Identify pain points

Design & planning

  • Define targeted organization and new skills to develop 
  • Propose a step-by-step approach & prioritize investment
  • Identify pain points solutions and design evolved processes and ways of working

Activation & Optimization

  • Execute hiring and talent development plans
  • Communicate, train and roll-out new processes and ways of working 
  • Measure progress and performance
  • Optimize governance and processes based on learnings

Services to get inspired about
organizational design & governance


Support leaders effectively from strategy to delivery, change adoption and performance measurement


Educate stakeholders and empower teams to secure sustainable transformation and capabilities within the organization


Share inspiring insights, learnings and stories to motivate people as a speaker at events and seminars