Chloe Blanc - Change management & adoption

Change management & adoption

Business transformation is a long journey and change adoption rely on clear and frequent communication, teams empowerment and motivation, ability to connect people and solve their pain points through agile governance, organization and ways of working. Change management takes time and requires trust. Main goal is to ensure all key stakeholders are embracing change and using new tools and capabilities at their full potential.

Expertise to drive change management & foster adoption


  • Evaluate change readiness of the organization and stakeholders
  • Analyze current organization, governance, ways of working and processes
  • Assess digital marketing knowledge
  • Identify gaps and pain points

Change management

  • Define change management plan: stakeholders involved, goals and KPIs, roadmap, methods
  • Execute change adoption program: new governance & ways of working, workshops, champions involvement
  • Communicate on progress, wins and failures

Measurement & optimization

  • Report KPIs and recommend next steps
  • Refine transformation plan based on learnings and recommendations

Services to support you in change adoption


Support leaders effectively from strategy to delivery, change adoption and performance measurement


Educate stakeholders and empower teams to secure sustainable transformation and capabilities within the organization


Share inspiring insights, learnings and stories to motivate people as a speaker at events and seminars